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Trimcor, leveraging their advocacy for renewable energy solutions in the Philippines, has recently completed a series of successful tests for their very own Solar Pumping Controller. Unlike single-phase systems commonly found in the market, it is designed for 3-phase electric motors. Its power range spans from 0.5HP to 120HP, providing a wide range of load capacities beyond the limited scope of conventional controllers. Additionally, the output voltage options include 220V, 380V, and 440V, allowing for flexibility in power distribution.


Further advancing Trimcor's Solar Pumping Controller is its usability through a plug-and-play connection. It can easily integrate with existing solar panel setups, following proper sizing rules. The controller also offers Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) capabilities, enabling soft starting and variable frequency operations.


The controller’s expandability can easily cover energy storage systems, making it adaptable to various renewable energy solutions. Furthermore, it is compatible with other renewable energy sources, offering a holistic approach to energy generation and utilization.


This versatile controller finds applications in a variety of industries, such as deep well pumping, booster pumping, transfer pumping, de-watering, flood pumping, sewage pumping, irrigation, agriculture, general-purpose applications, and off-grid solutions. 


The outstanding benefits of Trimcor's Solar Pumping Controller go beyond its functionality. Sustainability is a key focus, as it harnesses renewable energy sources. By relying on the sun's power, the controller helps reduce carbon footprint and dependence on non-renewable resources. It also provides reliable power for sensitive equipment and processes, particularly in remote areas that often experience power supply instability. Additionally, the controller offers off-grid 3-phase power applications, bridging the gap in areas without access to centralized power grids. Moreover, the use of solar power significantly reduces power consumption for users, as sunlight is an abundant and cost-free resource.


The functionality and setup of Trimcor's Solar Pumping Controller are designed to be user-friendly and efficient. For those interested, Trimcor welcomes scheduled visits to their office to see the system in action.


For those considering solar pumping controllers or systems, Trimcor offers customized solutions to meet specific requirements. Trimcor’s team of experts provide professional guidance and support throughout the process, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.


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